Anti von Klewitz
New songs
from an old country
Anti von Klewitz, violin, vocals and composition, is a musical personality that has brought folk music from Hungary and the Balkans, and the touching and powerful songs of the Romany people on to international stages, performing with a very personal approach, original arrangements and leaving lots of freedom for improvisation.
Brushing both music and audiences tenderly against the grain and allowing influences from other styles, the powerful interpretation of this timeless though ancient beauty never fails to transport its distinctive unmistakable profile and enchants listeners all over the world.
Anti v. Klewitz' version of the Roma-song "Keren Chave" has literally travelled all over the planet and served as soundtrack for various film-productions, "Everything is illuminated" being the most famous.
As a composer and performer for international theatre- and modern dance-productions A.v. K. has accumulated quite a record in the past.
Lately she has taken to setting poetry to music, mostly from the period of German Romanticism, culminating in the release of two CDs: "Krauses Leben" (Frizzy life) and "Helle Fenster" (Bright Windows).
With her new, truly unconventional trio "Hora Nova" she performed a series of concerts in Germany and Eastern Europe.
Anti v. Klewitz is never at home.

...with a personal message from Anti